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Our four pillars


Our chapter holds academics to the highest priority. We facilitate study hours on a regular basis for our members, and we collect money for an annual chapter scholarship.  Our Scholarship Chairwoman and Executive Team are always looking for new ways to help sisters achieve scholastic greatness.


Our chapter plans events to grow our members in leadership. We invite women from the agricultural industry to give us advice at the Women in Ag Panel. Our members also have the opportunity to go to leadership conferences, and to develop professionally and personally throughout the year.


Our chapter is dedicated to giving back.  We teach elementary students about agriculture in Ag in the Classroom. We also donate funds raised at Hog Roast with Alpha Gamma Rho to the Blue Jacket Foundation. Additionally, the Alpha Delta chapter provides a scholarship for a young woman studying S.T.E.M. in Tanzania, named Janet. 


Sigma Alpha girls like to spend time together. Our chapter connects each member with a big sister. We also dance the night away at Pla Mor and head to the pumpkin patch. We also participate in other areas of Greek life, hosting formals, social events, and other fun ways to connect with each other, and other Greeks on campus. 

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